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'Equal pay and the family', 1918

This pamphlet, subtitled "A proposal for the national endowment of motherhood", was produced by the Family Endowment Committee in 1918. The members of the Committee were K.D. Courtney, H.N. Brailsford, Eleanor Rathbone, Maude Royden, Mary Stocks, Elinor Burns and Emile Burns. The pamphlet congratulates the women bus conductors on their successful equal pay strike, which it suggests will end the payment of a 'family wage' to male workers. To provide an independent income for mothers without paid employment and a recognition of the value of mothers' work, it proposes a family allowances scheme, payable to both married and unmarried mothers.

Title 'Equal pay and the family', 1918
Maker --
Production Date 1918
Format Pamphlet
Copyright --
Holding Institution TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
Related Objects --
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