The women at the Corruganza box factory in Summerstown, Tooting, South London struck in protest against wage cuts. Mary Macarthur organised a mass meeting to hear their grievances and to recruit them into the National Federation of Women Workers (NFWW). After 4 weeks, the local NFWW organiser, Sophy Sanger negotiated a satisfactory settlement in September 1908. All wage reductions except in one agreed job, were withdrawn and all the strikers were reinstated. A forewoman Mary Williams, who had initially complained about the reductions did not want to return and the NFWW undertook to find her alternative employment. In this photograph Mary Macarthur is addressing the demonstration in Trafalgar Square.
Title |
Corruganza box makers strike, 1908 |
Maker |
-- |
Production Date |
1908 |
Format |
Photograph |
Copyright |
-- |
Holding Institution |
TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University |
Related Objects |
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