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'A valuable case : equal pay in the balance', 1988

This leaflet was produced by the Liz Clark Support Campaign to raise support for her equal value case. Liz Clark was initially part of a group of speech therapists who, with the support of their union Manufacturing Science Finance [ MSF ], started an equal value claim against their employers within the National Health Service. As this leaflet shows, Liz Clark decided to pursue her case as an individual. The claims were made in 1985, but were not resolved for 15 years.

Title 'A valuable case : equal pay in the balance', 1988
Maker --
Production Date 1988
Format Leaflet
Copyright --
Holding Institution TUC Library Collections, London Metropolitan University
Related Objects --
'A valuable case : equal pay in the balance', 1988
'A valuable case : equal pay in the balance', 1988
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