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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 995
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 1014
Chapter The Brigands at Work
Text The next day, at the meeting of the Town Council, Mr Wireman's report concerning the Electric Light Works was read. The expert's opinion was so favourable - and it was endorsed by the Borough Engineer, Mr Oyley Sweater - that a resolution was unanimously carried in favour of acquiring the Works for the town, and a secret committee was appointed to arrange the preliminaries. Alderman Sweater then suggested that a suitable honorarium be voted to Mr Wireman for his services. This was greeted with a murmur of approval from most of the members, and Mr Didlum rose with the intention of proposing a resolution to that effect when he was interrupted by Alderman Grinder, who said he couldn't see no sense in giving the man a thing like that. `Why not give him a sum of money?'

Several members said `Hear, hear,' to this, but some of the others laughed.
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