Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1014 |
Chapter | The Brigands at Work |
Text |
The next day, at the meeting of the Town Council, Mr Wireman's report concerning the Electric Light Works was read. The expert's opinion was so favourable - and it was endorsed by the Borough Engineer, Mr Oyley Sweater - that a resolution was unanimously carried in favour of acquiring the Works for the town, and a secret committee was appointed to arrange the preliminaries. Alderman Sweater then suggested that a suitable honorarium be voted to Mr Wireman for his services. This was greeted with a murmur of approval from most of the members, and Mr Didlum rose with the intention of proposing a resolution to that effect when he was interrupted by Alderman Grinder, who said he couldn't see no sense in giving the man a thing like that. `Why not give him a sum of money?' Several members said `Hear, hear,' to this, but some of the others laughed. |