Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1022 |
Chapter | -- |
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He did not wish it to be understood that he thought those gentlemen were overpaid - far from it. (Hear, hear.) It was not that they got too much but that the Engineer got too little. How could they expect a man like that to exist on a paltry fifteen pounds a week? Why, it was nothing more or less than sweating! (Hear, hear.) He had much pleasure in moving that the Borough Engineer's salary be increased to seventeen pounds a week, and that his annual holiday be extended from a fortnight to one calendar month with hard la- he begged pardon - with full pay. (Loud cheers.) Councillor Rushton said that he did not propose to make a long speech - it was not necessary. He would content himself with formally seconding Councillor Didlum's excellent proposition. (Applause.) |