Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1033 |
Chapter | -- |
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everything that was brought forward. (The majority of the members of the Band glared malignantly at Weakling.) He hoped that for once the individual he referred to would have the decency to restrain himself, because the resolution he (Didlum) was about to have the honour of proposing was one that he believed no right-minded man - no matter what his politics or religious opinions - could possibly object to; and he trusted that for the credit of the Council it would be entered on the records as an unopposed motion. The resolution was as follows: `That from this date all the meetings of this Council shall be opened with prayer and closed with the singing of the Doxology.' (Loud applause.) Councillor Rushton seconded the resolution, which was also supported by Mr Grinder, who said |