Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 108 |
Chapter | -- |
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of his own. Crass was the `coddy' or foreman of the job. [Considered as a workman] he had no very unusual abilities; he was if anything inferior to the majority of his fellow workmen. [But although he had but little real ability] he pretended to know everything, and [the] vague references [he was in the habit of making] to `tones', and `shades', and `harmony', had so impressed Hunter that the latter had] a high opinion of him [as a workman.] It was by pushing himself forward in this way and by judicious toadying [to Hunter] that Crass managed to get himself put in charge of [work.] Although Crass did as little work as possible himself he took care that the others worked hard. Any man who failed to satisfy him in this respect he reported to Hunter as being `no good', or `too slow for a funeral'. The result was that this man was dispensed with at the end of the week. [The men knew this, and most of them feared the wily Crass accordingly, though there were a few whose known abilities placed them to a certain extent above the] |
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