Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1246 |
Chapter | -- |
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young women and two young men, brought in several more lots and so the Semi-drunk was appeased. As for the plum-pudding - it was a fair knock-out; just like Christmas: but as Ned Dawson and Bill Bates had drunk all the sauce before the pudding was served, they all had to have their first helping without any. However, as the landlord brought in another lot shortly afterwards, that didn't matter either. As soon as dinner was over, Crass rose to make his statement as secretary. Thirty-seven men had paid five shillings each: that made nine pounds five shillings. The committee had decided that the three boys - the painters' boy, the carpenters' boy and the front shop boy - should be allowed to come half-price: that made it nine pounds twelve and six. |