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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 1257
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 1278
Chapter --
Text There were several more verses, and by the time they had sung them all, the Tories were in a state of wild enthusiasm. Even Ned Dawson, who had fallen asleep with his head pillowed on his arms on the table, roused himself up at the end of each verse, and after having joined in the chorus, went to sleep again.

At the end of the song they gave three cheers for Tariff Reform and Plenty of Work, and then Crass, who, as the singer of the last song, had the right to call upon the next man, nominated Philpot, who received an ovation when he stood up, for he was a general favourite. He never did no harm to nobody, and he was always wiling to do anyone a good turn whenever he had the opportunity. Shouts of `Good old Joe' resounded through the room as he crossed over to the piano, and in
response to numerous requests for `The old song' he
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