Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1291 |
Chapter | -- |
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travelling at a furious rate, and swaying about from side to side in a very erratic manner. It would have been the last carriage, but things had got a bit mixed at the Blue Lion and, instead of bringing up the rear of the procession, it was now second, just behind the small vehicle containing Rushton and his friends. Crass several times reminded them that the other carriage was so near that Rushton must be able to hear every word that was said, and these repeated admonitions at length enraged the Semi-drunk, who shouted out that they didn't care a b--r if he could hear. Who the bloody hell was he? To hell with him! `Damn Rushton, and you too!' cried Bill Bates, addressing Crass. `You're only a dirty toe-rag! That's all you are - a |