Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1335 |
Chapter | -- |
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enthusiastic agreement with Crass's opinion, and most of them appeared to be highly delighted to think that the existing state of affairs could never be altered. `It hasn't always been like it, and it won't always be like it,' said Owen. `The time will come, and it's not very far distant, when the necessaries of life will be produced for use and not for profit. The time is coming when it will no longer be possible for a few selfish people to condemn thousands of men and women and little children to live in misery and die of want.' `Ah well, it won't be in your time, or mine either,' said Crass gleefully, and most of the others laughed with imbecile satisfaction. I've 'eard a 'ell of a lot about this 'ere Socialism,' remarked the man behind the moat, `but up to now I've never met nobody wot could tell you plainly exactly wot it is.' |