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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 1419
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 1438
Chapter --
Text `Yes,' replied Philpot, `and not honly will you get a prize for good conduck tomorrer, but if you all keep on workin' like we've bin doing lately till you're too hold and wore hout to do• any more, you'll be allowed to go to a nice workhouse for the rest of your lives! and each one of you will be given a title - "Pauper!"'

And they laughed!

Although the majority of them had mothers or fathers or other near relatives who had already succeeded to the title - they laughed!

As they were going home, Crass paused at the gate, and pointing up to the large gable at the end of the house, he said to Philpot:

`You'll want the longest ladder - the 65, for that, tomorrow.'

Philpot looked up at the gable.

It was very high.
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