Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1449 |
Chapter | -- |
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they took 'im to the 'orspital and when he came out and went round to the shop and started talkin' about bringin' a action for damages, the slop collared 'im and they give 'im six months.' `Yes, I read about that,' said Harlow, `and there was another case of a chap who was run over by a motor, and they tried to make out as 'e put 'isself in the way on purpose; but 'e got some money out of the swell it belonged to; a 'undered pound I think it was.' `I only wish as one of their motors would run inter me,' said Philpot, making a feeble attempt at a joke. `I lay I'd get some a' me own back out of 'em.' The others laughed, and Harlow was about to make some reply but at that moment a cyclist appeared coming down the hill from the direction of the job. It was Nimrod, so they resumed their journey once more and presently Hunter shot past on his machine without taking any notice of them... |