Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1480 |
Chapter | -- |
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for the keeper had not had time to clean it since the body had been removed. `I can see 'ow it's been worked,' said Crass at last. `There's one of the members of the club who works for Snatchum, and 'e's took it on 'isself to give the order for the funeral; but 'e's got no right to do it.' `Right or no right, 'e's done it,' replied Misery, `so you'd better take the box back to the shop.' Crass and Sawkins accordingly returned to the workshop, where they were presently joined by Nimrod. `I've been thinking this business over as I came along,' he said, `and I don't see being beat like this by Snatchum; so you two can just put the tressels and the box on a hand cart and we'll take it over to Philpot's house.' Nimrod walked on the pavement while the other two pushed the cart, and it was about half past nine, when they arrived at the |