Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 1487 |
Chapter | -- |
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Sawkins held the candle while they unscrewed and took off the lid of the coffin they had brought with them: it was not quite empty, for they had brought a bag of tools inside it. `I think we shall be able to work better if we takes the other one orf the trussels and puts it on the floor,' remarked Crass. `Yes, I think so, too,' replied Hunter. Crass took off the sheet and threw it on the bed, revealing the other coffin, which was very similar in appearance to the one they had brought with them, being of elms with the usual imitation brass furniture. Hunter took hold of the head and Crass the foot and they lifted it off the tressels on to the floor. `'E's not very 'eavy; that's one good thing,' observed Hunter. `'E always was a very thin chap,' replied Crass. |