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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 192
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 202
Chapter --
Text what did he say?'

`Dad told me that really St Thomas was the only sensible man in the
whole crowd of Apostles. That is,' added Frankie, correcting himself, `if there ever was such a man at all.'

`But did Dad say that there never was such a man?'

`No; he said HE didn't believe there ever was, but he told me to just listen to what the teacher said about such things, and then to think about it in my own mind, and wait till I'm grown up and then I can use my own judgement.'

`Well, now, that's what YOU were told, but all the other children's mothers and fathers tell them to believe, without thinking, whatever the teacher says. So it will be no wonder if those children are not able to think for themselves when they're grown up, will it?'

`Don't you think it will be any use, then, for me to tell them what to do to the
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