Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 255 |
Chapter | -- |
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any need of the services of so many human workers, so they propose to exterminate them! The unnecessary human beings are to be allowed to starve to death! And they are also to be taught that it is wrong to marry and breed children, because the Sacred Few do not require so many people to work for them as before!' `Yes, and you'll never be able to prevent it, mate!' shouted Crass. `Why can't we?' `Because it can't be done!' cried Crass fiercely. `It's impossible!' `You're always sayin' that everything's all wrong,' complained Harlow, `but why the 'ell don't you tell us 'ow they're goin' to be put right?' `It doesn't seem to me as if any of |