Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 372 |
Chapter | -- |
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Although they laughed and made fun of these things the reader must not think that they really doubted the truth of the Christian religion, because - although they had all been brought up by `Christian' parents and had been `educated' in `Christian' schools - none of them knew enough about Christianity to either really believe it or disbelieve it. The imposters who obtain a comfortable living by pretending to be the ministers and disciples of the Workman of Nazareth are too cunning to encourage their dupes to acquire anything approaching an intelligent understanding of the subject. They do not want people to know or understand anything: they want them to have Faith - to believe without knowledge, understanding, or evidence. For years Harlow and his mates - when children - had been `taught' `Christianity' in day school, Sunday School and in church or chapel, and now they knew practically nothing about it! But they were `Christians' all the same. They believed that the Bible was the word of God, but they didn't know where it came from, how long |