Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 404 |
Chapter | -- |
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thought he replaced it, deciding to defer its production till a more suitable occasion. `But you 'aven't told us yet 'ow you makes out that money causes poverty,' cried Harlow, winking at the others. `That's what I'M anxious to 'ear about!' `So am I,' remarked the man behind the moat. `I was just wondering whether I 'adn't better tell ole Misery that I don't want no wages this week.' `I think I'll tell 'im on Saterday to keep MY money and get 'imself a few drinks with it,' said Philpot. `It might cheer 'im up a bit and make 'im a little more sociable and friendly like.' `Money IS the principal cause of poverty,' said Owen. `'Ow do yer make it out?' cried Sawkins. |