Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 469 |
Chapter | -- |
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answered Philpot. `I was workin' along of Owen for Pushem and Sloggem about two year ago, and I seen 'im do a job down at the Royal 'Otel - the smokin'-room ceilin' it was - and I can tell you it looked a bloody treat!' `I've heard tell of it,' said Harlow. `There's no doubt Owen knows 'is work,' remarked Easton, 'although 'e is a bit orf is onion about Socialism.' `I don't know so much about that, mate,' returned Philpot. `I agree with a lot that 'e ses. I've often thought the same things meself, but I can't talk like 'im, 'cause I ain't got no 'ead for it.' `I agree with some of it too,' said Harlow with a laugh, `but all the same 'e does say some bloody silly things, you must admit. For instance, that stuff about money bein' the cause of poverty.' `Yes. I can't exactly see that meself,' agreed Philpot. |