Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 540 |
Chapter | -- |
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everyone except Weakling was in favour of the resolution, which was carried amid loud cheers, and the representatives of the ratepayers proceeded to the consideration of the next business. Councillor Didlum proposed that the duty on all coal brought into the borough be raised from two shillings to three shillings per ton. Councillor Rushton seconded. The largest consumer of coal was the Gas Coy., and, considering the great profits made by that company, they were quite justified in increasing the duty to the highest figure the Act permitted. After a feeble protest from Weakling, who said it would only increase the price of gas and coal without interfering with the profits of the Gas Coy., this was also carried, and after some other business had been transacted, the Band dispersed. That meeting was held two years ago, and since |