Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 591 |
Chapter | -- |
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of other people, and then as soon as they've done with you, you're chucked aside like adirty rag.' `Yes: and I begin to think that a great deal of what Owen says is true. But for my part I can't see 'Ow it's ever goin' to be altered, can you?' Blowed if I know, mate. But whether it can be altered or not, there's one thing very certain; it won't be done in our time.' Neither of them seemed to think that if the `alteration' they spoke of were to be accomplished at all they themselves would have to help to bring it about. `I wonder what they're doin' about the venetian blinds?' said Easton. `Is there anyone doin' em yet?' `I don't know; ain't 'eard nothing about 'em since the boy took 'em to the shop.' |