Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 618 |
Chapter | -- |
Text |
the corner of Kerk Street he saw Frankie coming to meet him, and the boy catching sight of him at the same moment beganrunning and leapt into his arms with a joyous whoop. `Mother told me to tell you to buy something for dinner before you come home, because there's nothing in the house.' `Did she tell you what I was to get?' She did tell me something, but I forget what it was. But I know she said to get anything you like if you couldn't get what she told me to tell you.' `Well, we'll go and see what we can find,' said Owen. `If I were you, I'd get a tin of salmon or some eggs and bacon,' suggested Frankie as he skipped along holding his father's hand. `We don't want anything that's a lot of trouble |