Title | The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists |
Page | 681 |
Chapter | -- |
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try to disturb the proceedings; and - possibly as an evidence of how much real faith there was in them - they had also arranged to have a police officer in attendance, to protect them from what they called the `Powers of Darkness'. One might be excused for thinking that - if they really believed - they would have relied rather upon those powers of Light which they professed to represent on this planet to protect them without troubling to call in the aid of such a `worldly' force as the police. However, it came to pass that on this occasion the only infidels present were those who were conducting the meeting, but as these consisted for the most part of members of the chapel, it will be seen that the infidel fraternity was strongly represented. On his way home after the meeting Slyme had to pass by the `Cricketers' and as he drew near the place he |