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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 811
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 830
Chapter --
Text o' speakin', like me, the pub's about the only place where you can get a little enjoyment. But you ain't very welcome there unless you spends your money.'

`Is the three shillings all they have to live on?'

`I think she goes out charin' when she can get it,' replied Philpot, `but I don't see as she can do a great deal o' that with three young 'uns to look after, and from what I hear of it she's only just got over a illness and ain't fit to do much.'

`My God!' said Owen.

`I'll tell you what,' said Philpot. `I've been thinking we might get up a bit of a subscription for 'em. There's several chaps in work what knows Newman, and if they was each to give a trifle we could get enough to pay for a Christmas dinner, anyway. I've brought a sheet of foolscap with me, and
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