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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 958
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 978
Chapter --
Text Council, who were insultingly alluded to as `pothouse politicians', `beer-sodden agitators' and so forth. Their right to be regarded as representatives of the working men was denied, Grinder, who, having made inquiries amongst working men, was acquainted with the facts, stated that there was scarcely one of the local branches of the trades unions which had more than a dozen members; and as Grinder's statement was true, the Secretary was unable to contradict it. The majority of the working men were also very indignant when they heard about the Secretary's letter: they said the rates were quite high enough as it was, and they sneered at him for presuming to write to the papers at all:

`Who the bloody 'ell was 'e?' they said. `'E was not a Gentleman! 'E was only a workin' man the same as themselves - a common carpenter! What the 'ell did 'e know about it? Nothing. 'E was just trying to make 'isself out to be Somebody, that was all. The idea of one of the likes of them writing to the papers!'
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