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The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - click image to enlarge
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists - Manuscript, Page 772 & 773
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Title The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Page 792
Chapter --
Text `it'll take a better bloody man than you to enlighten ME!'

`I don't want to be henlightened into Darkness!' said Slyme piously.

`But what sort of System do you propose, then?' repeated Harlow.

`After you've got 'em all enlightened - if you don't believe in sharing out all the money equal, how ARE you goin' to alter it?'

`I don't know 'ow 'e's goin' to alter it,' sneered Crass, looking at his watch and standing up, `but I do know what the time is - two minits past one!'

`The next lecture,' said Philpot, addressing the meeting as they all prepared to return to work, `the next lecture will be postponded till tomorrer at the usual time, when it will be my painful dooty to call upon Mr Owen to give 'is well-known and most hobnoxious address entitled "Work and how to avoid it." Hall them as wants to be henlightened kindly attend.'

`Or hall them as don't get the sack tonight,' remarked Easton grimly.
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